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Photo Credit: Al Kalamizad (Image 1); RAWKBLOG (Image 2); Spaceships (Image 3)

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LP Preview Video


Mock Records

Spaceships is Jessie Waite & Kevin LaRose. We are from Los Angeles.

Spaceships is a band that plays noise-pop-bedroom-garage-punk. We write songs about life, mountains, and also other things like death and working. We’ve been compared to Times New Viking, Spaceships (US), and Guided By Voices.

A couple of months ago, we decided to record an LP, and we met the goal in the face. Then we said, “Hey, I’m gonna name you.” And now it’s called “Cool Breeze Over the Mountains.”

We have been featured in LA Weekly, LA Record, Buzzbands, Spin (only the iPad app edition, so don’t get too worked up), Passion of the Weiss, and once this blog from Spain wrote about us and we got about 700 downloads, but that site shut down. Our songs are frequently played on KXLU, the best radio station. We played live on KXLU, on the program “Demolisten.” Tune in every Friday from 6-8, Fred plays the best demos.

If you are still reading this, we found a secret alien technology hidden inside a Russian Big Muff. We can’t tell anyone about it, or they might send someone after us. If you want to know more, please email us. The truth must be revealed.

We like to play lots of shows, even if sometimes we don’t feel like going out cuz we’re too sad. We once played this awesome show in Palm Springs at the Ace Hotel for “Friends of The Smell Night,” and they had a pool, but it was closed by the time we were ready to go in it.

Oh, we have also released an EP and a 7″. Guess what? We also have a music video, and another one is in “post-production.” They both star us cuz it’s our band and we can’t afford Keanu.

What others say about Spaceships:

Exceedingly lo-fi L.A. garage-punk waifishness with frontwoman Jessie Waite’s vocals achieving a perfect combo of nasally disaffection and defiance. – Spin

Their eponymous January EP and last month’s similarly titled 7-inch are lo-fi, raw and irrepressibly catchy. – LA Weekly

The two tracks on this record are equally addicting. They’re buried in a wall of Jesus and Mary Chain-esque guitar fuzz and carry on in the fuzzy poppy mid-tempo fashion of bands like Guided by Voices, Times New Viking, and G. Green… Anyone who is a fan of lo-fi guitar pop will definitely enjoy this. – LA Record

Nobody knew anything about Spaceships but manager Mani Quin, who mumbled “Get this” in my ear. A short fusillade of arty brusque noise pop followed, highlighted by Jessie Waite’s impassioned powerhouse vocals. There ensued a gooey community sweat and all was drippy cheers and well-kicked ass. – LA Record

Their reverb-drenched vocals, chugging electric guitar and solid percussion do the job if you ever need help reverting to a young punk again. – Buzzbands LA

Spaceships, featuring singer/guitarist Jesse Waite and Amoeba’s Kevin LaRose on drums, started playing late when the band was already a few sheets to the wind, which led to a raucous set in which the band made fun of their own inebriated state and played hard and fast to a pogoing audience. Waite played like a punk J. Mascis and sang like a young, sneering Karen O, while LaRose backed her up with primordial beats on songs like melodic winner “inTheSun.” – Amoeba Music

In the six songs on their extensively replayable self-titled EP, Waite and co-conspirator Kevin LaRose go a long way to capture the greatness of 90’s lo-fi without brazenly imitating the decade’s marquee indie acts. They play with Clinton-era indie, garage, and even grunge with a true punk’s sense of irreverence, exceedingly competent at getting the sound and feeling right, but also defiantly infusing their own personality. – Douglas Martin’s Dirty Shoes on Passion of the Weiss

Of course being a duo, they go for this huge sound, all the best parts of that blown out Columbus sound and enhancing it. They defy you to still feel bad about anything after this, it’s nice to hear this kind of real fun coming out of LA… They will keep me as a fan for life if they promise not to clean this up like Best Coast or Matt & Kim…. They’re just so damn enthuiastic, like a west coast Hussy and I’m drinking to kool-aid. – 7 Inches

If I were to compare garage-punk duo Spaceships sound to say mountains, it would probably be something like the mountains of Mordor—spewing fire and brimstone and appearing all hard and dangerous on the outside, while concurrently possessing an unexplained, irresistible attraction and a warm and gooey inside. Ok, that was a terrible analogy. Unpretentious and unapologetically raw, listening to Spaceships always leaves me giddy. – Music on the Left